* A collection of useful constants used throughout the library.
* These can be overridden at runtime.
* @namespace
syngen.const = {
* Lowpass frequency of the acoustic shadow, in Hertz.
* Typically this value is the speed of sound divided by the width of the head.
* @todo Move to syngen.audio.binaural.model
* @type {Number}
acousticShadowFrequency: 343 / 0.1524, // speedOfSound / binauralHeadWidth
* Latency added to calculated times, in seconds.
* @todo Improve support for nonzero values
* @type {Number}
audioLookaheadTime: 0,
* Width of head, in meters.
* @todo Move to syngen.audio.binaural.model
* @type {Number}
binauralHeadWidth: 0.1524,
* Offset that ears point away from +/- 90 degrees, in radians.
* @todo Move to syngen.audio.binaural.model
* @type {Number}
binauralShadowOffset: Math.PI / 4,
* Upper bound where acoustic shadow gradually increases in strength, in meters.
* @todo Move to syngen.audio.binaural.model
* @type {Number}
binauralShadowRolloff: 1,
* The rolloff applied to
* Typically in physical space this value is derived from the distance-square law and is exactly two.
* @todo Move to dedicated distance models
* @type {Number}
distancePower: 2,
* Whether to multiply calculated gains by the ratio between distance and the horizon defined by syngen.streamer.
* This allows sounds to gradually fade out around the edges of the streamed area.
* @todo Move to dedicated distance models
* @type {Boolean}
distancePowerHorizon: false,
* Speed of the gain dropoff applied when the horizon is enabled.
* @todo Move to dedicated distance models
* @type {Number}
distancePowerHorizonExponent: 0,
* Rotation sequence when converting Euler angles to quaternions. Valid values include:
* - XYZ
* - XZY
* - YXZ
* - YZX
* - ZXY
* - ZYX
* @type {String}
eulerToQuaternion: 'ZYX',
* Acceleration due to gravity, in meters per second per second.
* @type {Number}
gravity: 9.8,
* Duration that the loop should ideally run when the window is blurred, in seconds.
* @todo Move to syngen.loop
* @type {Number}
idleDelta: 1/60,
* Upper bound of perceptible frequencies, in Hertz.
* @type {Number}
maxFrequency: 20000,
* The largest float before precision loss becomes problematic.
* This value is derived from `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER / (2 ** 10)` to deliver about three decimal places of precision, which is suitable for most purposes.
* @type {Number}
maxSafeFloat: (2 ** 43) - 1,
* Frequency of the MIDI reference note, in Hertz.
* @type {Number}
midiReferenceFrequency: 440,
* Reference note number used when converting MIDI notes to frequencies.
* @type {Number}
midiReferenceNote: 69,
* Lower bound of perceptible frequencies, in Hertz.
* @type {Number}
minFrequency: 20, // Hz
* Radius of the observer, in meters.
* @todo Move into syngen.position
* @type {Number}
positionRadius: 0.25,
* The speed of sound, in meters per second.
* @type {Number}
speedOfSound: 343,
* Upper bound for sub-bass frequencies, in Hertz.
* @type {Number}
subFrequency: 65.4064,
* The circle constant, i.e. 2π.
* @type {Number}
tau: Math.PI * 2,
* Length that satisfies `x=y` for a 2D unit circle.
* @type {Number}
unit2: Math.sqrt(2) / 2,
* Length that satisfies `x=y=z` for a 3D unit sphere.
* @type {Number}
unit3: Math.sqrt(3) / 3,
* Length that satisfies `w=x=y=z` for a 4D unit hypersphere.
* @type {Number}
unit4: Math.sqrt(4) / 4,
* Close enough to zero for most calculations that can't use zero, like ramping `AudioParam`s exponentially to zero.
* @type {Number}
zero: 10 ** -32,
* Value in decibels that, for most purposes, is perceptibly silent.
* @type {Number}
zeroDb: -96,
* Value in gain that, for most purposes, is perceptibly silent.
* @type {Number}
zeroGain: syngen.utility.fromDb(-96), // syngen.utility.fromDb(zeroDb)
* Length of time that, for most purposes, is perceptibly instantaneous.
* @type {Number}
zeroTime: 0.005,