* Provides a mastering process and utilities for routing audio into it like a virtual mixing board.
* Implementations are encouraged to leverage this instead of the main audio destination directly.
* @namespace
syngen.audio.mixer = (() => {
const context = syngen.audio.context()
const masterCompensator = context.createGain(),
masterCompressor = context.createDynamicsCompressor(),
masterInput = context.createGain(),
masterOutput = context.createGain()
let masterHighpass,
masterCompensator.gain.value = 1
masterCompressor.attack.value = syngen.const.zeroTime
masterCompressor.knee.value = 0
masterCompressor.ratio.value = 20
masterCompressor.release.value = syngen.const.zeroTime
masterCompressor.threshold.value = 0
function createFilters(highpassFrequency = syngen.const.minFrequency, lowpassFrequency = syngen.const.maxFrequency) {
masterHighpass = context.createBiquadFilter()
masterHighpass.type = 'highpass'
masterHighpass.frequency.value = highpassFrequency
masterLowpass = context.createBiquadFilter()
masterLowpass.type = 'lowpass'
masterLowpass.frequency.value = lowpassFrequency
function destroyFilters() {
masterLowpass = null
masterHighpass = null
return {
* A collection of auxiliary sends that provide optional parallel effects processing.
* @memberof syngen.audio.mixer
* @namespace
auxiliary: {},
* Creates a `GainNode` that's connected to the master input.
* Implementations can leverage buses to create submixes.
* @memberof syngen.audio.mixer
* @returns {GainNode}
createBus: () => {
const input = context.createGain()
return input
* Exposes the nodes and parameters associated with the mastering process.
* Here's an overview of its routing:
* - `GainNode` input
* - `BiquadFilterNode` highpass
* - `BiquadFilterNode` lowpass
* - `DynamicsCompressorNode` limiter
* - `GainNode` limiter makeup gain
* - `GainNode` output
* - `AudioDestinationNode` `{@link syngen.audio.context}().destination`
* @memberof syngen.audio.mixer
* @property {Function} input
* Returns the master input `GainNode`.
* @property {Function} output
* Returns the master output `GainNode`.
* @property {Object} param
* Useful parameters for tuning the mastering process.
* @property {AudioParam} param.gain
* @property {Object} param.highpass
* @property {AudioParam} param.highpass.frequency
* @property {Object} param.limiter
* @property {AudioParam} param.limiter.attack
* @property {AudioParam} param.limiter.gain
* @property {AudioParam} param.limiter.knee
* @property {AudioParam} param.limiter.ratio
* @property {AudioParam} param.limiter.release
* @property {AudioParam} param.limiter.threshold
* @property {Object} param.lowpass
* @property {AudioParam} param.lowpass.frequency
master: {
input: () => masterInput,
output: () => masterOutput,
param: {
gain: masterOutput.gain,
highpass: {
frequency: masterHighpass.frequency,
limiter: {
attack: masterCompressor.attack,
gain: masterCompensator.gain,
knee: masterCompressor.knee,
ratio: masterCompressor.ratio,
release: masterCompressor.release,
threshold: masterCompressor.threshold,
lowpass: {
frequency: masterLowpass.frequency,
* Occasionally the master filters can enter an unstable or bad state.
* When this happens the entire mix can drop out to silence.
* This provides a solution for replacing them with stable filters.
* Implementations can proactively check for invalid states with an {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AnalyserNode|AnalyserNode} or {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioWorkletNode|AudioWorkletNode}.
* Beware that the nodes that caused the issue may also need reset.
* @memberof syngen.audio.mixer
rebuildFilters: function () {
const highpassFrequency = masterHighpass.frequency.value,
lowpassFrequency = masterLowpass.frequency.value
createFilters(highpassFrequency, lowpassFrequency)
this.master.param.highpass.frequency = masterHighpass.frequency
this.master.param.lowpass.frequency = masterLowpass.frequency
return this
* A collection of circuits that route signals to auxiliary sends.
* @namespace syngen.audio.mixer.send
send: {},