* Provides an interface for processing audio as an observer in a physical space.
* Importantly, it models interaural intensity differences, interaural arrival time, and acoustic shadow.
* Implementations are currently discouraged from using this directly.
* @interface
* @todo Document private members
syngen.audio.binaural.monaural = {}
* Instantiates a monaural processor.
* @param {Object} [options={}]
* @param {Number} [options.pan=0]
* Between `[-1, 1]` representing hard-left to hard-right.
* @returns {syngen.audio.binaural.monaural}
* @static
syngen.audio.binaural.monaural.create = function (options) {
return Object.create(this.prototype).construct(options)
syngen.audio.binaural.monaural.prototype = {
* Initializes the instance.
* @instance
* @private
construct: function ({
pan = 0,
}) {
const context = syngen.audio.context()
this.panSign = syngen.utility.sign(pan)
this.angleOffset = -this.panSign * Math.PI / 2
this.delay = context.createDelay()
this.filter = context.createBiquadFilter()
this.gain = context.createGain()
this.filter.frequency.value = syngen.const.maxFrequency
this.gain.gain.value = syngen.const.zeroGain
return this
* Prepares the instance for garbage collection.
* @instance
destroy: function () {
return this
* Connects `input` to this with additional `...args`.
* @instance
* @param {AudioNode} input
* @param {...*} [...args]
from: function (input, ...args) {
input.connect(this.delay, ...args)
return this
* Connects this to `output` with additional `...args`.
* @instance
* @param {AudioNode} output
* @param {...*} [...args]
to: function (output, ...args) {
this.gain.connect(output, ...args)
return this
* Updates the internal circuit with `options` relative to an observer facing 0° at the origin.
* @instance
* @param {Object} [options={}]
* @param {ONumber} [options.x=0]
* @param {ONumber} [options.y=0]
* @param {ONumber} [options.z=0]
* @todo Model acoustic shadow as a three-dimensional cone or hemisphere
* @todo Simplify so {@link syngen.audio.binaural#update} positions and orients each ear before calling
update: function ({
x = 0,
y = 0,
z = 0,
} = {}) {
const ear = syngen.utility.vector3d.create({
y: y + (this.panSign * syngen.const.binauralHeadWidth / 2),
}).rotateEuler({yaw: this.angleOffse})
const distance = ear.distance(),
distancePower = syngen.utility.distanceToPower(distance)
const shadow = ear.rotateEuler({
yaw: this.panSign * syngen.const.binauralShadowOffset,
const shadowCos = Math.cos(shadow.yaw)
const isAhead = shadowCos > 0
const shadowTarget = isAhead
? syngen.utility.lerp(0.75, 1, shadowCos)
: syngen.utility.lerp(0, 0.75, 1 + shadowCos)
const shadowRolloff = syngen.utility.clamp(syngen.utility.scale(distance, 0, syngen.const.binauralShadowRolloff, 0, 1), 0, 1),
shadowStrength = syngen.utility.lerp(1, shadowTarget, shadowRolloff)
const delayTime = Math.min(1, distance / syngen.const.speedOfSound),
filterFrequency = syngen.utility.lerpExp(syngen.const.acousticShadowFrequency, syngen.const.maxFrequency, shadowStrength),
inputGain = syngen.utility.clamp(distancePower, syngen.const.zeroGain, 1)
syngen.audio.ramp.set(this.delay.delayTime, delayTime)
syngen.audio.ramp.set(this.filter.frequency, filterFrequency)
syngen.audio.ramp.set(this.gain.gain, inputGain)
return this